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...dotknij Panie moich oczu, abym przejrzał...dotknij Panie moich warg, abym przemówił - uwielbieniem...dotknij Panie mego serca i oczysć je, niech Twój Swięty Duch dzis ogarnia mnie...
...kiedy cichnie gwar, wszystko kończy się, wtedy szukam Cię...chcę Ci przynieść cos, co wartosciowe jest, co ucieszy cię...chcę dać Ci więcej, niż piesń, bo wiem, że spiew nie jest tym, czego ode mnie chcesz...Ty patrzysz głębiej niż my, mimo pozorów spraw, Ty patrzysz w duszę mą...chcę wielbić Cię
...jestem kochany z moim grzechem, jestem kochany z mą słaboscią, za darmo ukochał mnie Pan...umarł za mnie i zmartwychwstał, abym żył...
...Przyjacielu, chcę zostać z Tobą, przy Tobie chcę być...i nie trzeba, bys mówił cos - wystarczy, bys był nie ma wiekszej miłosci, niz ta, gdy ktos życie oddaje, bym ja mógł żyć...chcę być z Tobą gdy jest mi dobrze i kiedy mi źle...Przyjacielu - otwieram przed Tobą serce swe

...Jesus said: “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev. 3:20). The children don’t literally answer a door, but they do enter a door, a wardrobe door, and across that threshold enter a new land. The wardrobe door is such a fitting symbol for entering an adventure, a new life. Lucy stumbles in, perhaps accidentally, but so do some people, who find that they discover Christ in places they would not expect. They, like Lucy, may be searching for an escape from boredom or other problems, but they are at least searching for a change of some kind.
Others, like Edmund, may be motivated more by greed because they feel they are missing out. Once Edmund is to Narnia and back, he withholds the good news from Peter and Lucy. Edmund is symbolic of the anti-evangelist, motivated by his self-serving desires.
The Edmunds of this world hurt the testimony of honest people like Lucy. She has a real, life-changing experience of the most unusual kind, and so does Edmund; yet Edmund denies it.
The wise professor’s words of wisdom – that Lucy is either lying , mad, or telling the truth – are often applied in retrospect when people doubt the veracity of the stories about Jesus or doubt that Jesus was the Son of the God.
The idea of entering anything, literally or figuratively, shows openness. In order to experience life as a Christian, openness is essential. God never forces himself on anyone. There is always a choice. In life, nearly all choices are moral choices. We continually move closer to God or farther away.
Once inside Narnia, the children discover the battles waged between good and evil. They have to choose a side because neutrality isn’t an option. No one
No one who crosses the magic wardrobe’s threshold into Narnia is ever the same. Time is suspended. Encounters with Narnian inhabitants change the children’s perspective.
When we open the door to our hearts and invite Christ in, we experience Christ’s life-changing power in our lives. We have a foretaste of heaven.
Jesus said to his disciples: “Come and see” (John 1:39). We are extended the same invitation. All we need is willingness to take the first step. Once we do, the adventure begins for us as well.