ale mam głupawkę...postanowiłem odkopać stare zdjecie...bylem jeszcze wtedy przystojny i taki...(hmm) nieskazitelny...trochę brakuje mi tych uszu...ale jak mi obcianli to zostawili STAR TREKA na pamiatkę...ten po lewej to moj brotha...lucas...zawsze sie do mnie lepił ;) ale bk...licencjat i technik w butach enriquewskiego ;)
About Me

- tJAy
- i'm a simple man living far away from my home - tryna establish what my life is about...dEscriBin' mYseLf I woUldN't bE mOdeSt ;) iT's uP 2 u gUys 2 mAke a viSioN oF mE ;) cOme aNd tAke a pEEk iNto mY wOrLd.
27 February 2005
jOhnki zA kAjta ;)
ale mam głupawkę...postanowiłem odkopać stare zdjecie...bylem jeszcze wtedy przystojny i taki...(hmm) nieskazitelny...trochę brakuje mi tych uszu...ale jak mi obcianli to zostawili STAR TREKA na pamiatkę...ten po lewej to moj brotha...lucas...zawsze sie do mnie lepił ;) ale bk...licencjat i technik w butach enriquewskiego ;)
26 February 2005
a lOvely niGht
u mAy hAve sOme quEstions iN tHe corNer oF yoUr miNd, tracEs oF diScouragement & pEace u canNot fiNd...but wHen u gO 2 oSiek, u'll fiNd aNswers 2 yA quEstionS ;)
oH hAppy dAy
Cuz I aint good enough
but he still loves me,
I aint no superstar
The spotlight aint shinin on me cuz I aint good enough
but he still loves me
Loves me
16 February 2005
tHx 4 yA bEin' jAcek
every time of my life.
I'm thinkin' of you
when I cry when I smile,
I'm thinkin' of you
when I close my eyes
'cause you are
awsome God : )
15 February 2005
sHe tAkeS a hUge cHapter iN mY tAbula rAsa...rUth lYnch
lOrd i cOme 2 U 2day, tUrn nOt your fAce fRom mE, oH lOrd I pRay, i kNow i fAiled u oNe mOre dAy, dRaw mE cLose 2 U, dOn't tUrn yoUr fAce, I pRay, cHild I sTand aT the dOOr 4 u, I'll 4give aLL yOur siNs, cOme bAck 2 mE...bUt I fAileD maNy tiMes...why dO u lOve Me sTill?? oH lOrd... mY gOd, cOme bE4 mY tHrone, tAke oFF yOur sHoes, it'S a hOly grOund, i'LL nEver leAve, nEveR 4Sake, mY cHild, your mY cHild...cOme hOme, i'M cAllinG u now, cOme hOme ( rUth lYnch 'mErcy sOng" )
14 February 2005
mEEt tHe fOckerS
pOkoNamy fAlę
Słowa są daremne. Podziel się nadzieją swą z tymi co zostali tam. No i co, napatrzyłes się na to
jak fala niesie smierć, każdy jest dnem, każdy jest morzem
pomóż, możesz, możesz, możesz!
pOkonAmy fAlę
Pokonamy fale jesli każdy z nas zbuduje brzeg z miłosci swej. Ile można dać? Możesz dać tylko to, czym sam jestes, zbuduj w sobie brzeg by podzielić sie nim. Więc chodź otwórz swe serce, a przemówisz do milczenia, do tych co ocaleli i jak my są dziećmi morza.
pOkonAmy fAlĘ
13 February 2005
pOkonaMy falĘ

W raju wstawał dzień, ludzie błękit wplatali we włosy, a bezdomne psy, uciekały w głąb wysp, bo gdzieś w ciemnej odchłani, w morzu już zadano rany, i krzyk wód rozpętanych, galopował już ku brzegom. W raju wstawał dzień, u nas własnie narodził się Jezus, i swiąteczna noc utulała nas snem, gdzies w nas cichły kolędy o nadziei wszystkich ludzi, a tam fale zranione docierały już do brzegu.
wArszTaty gOspEl gDaŃsk 2004
oH i fEel liKe dAnciNg, iT's fooLisHnesS i kNow, bUt wHen tHe wOrlD hAs sEe n tHe liGht, tHey wiLL dAncE wiTh joy liKe wE'rE dAnciNg nOw ( mArtiN sMitH "i cOuld siNg oF yoUr lOve 4Ever" )
12 February 2005
mY iDol

When I think about the goodness and fullness of God, makes me thankful pity the hateful I'm grateful. The Lord brought me through this far, trying to be cute when I praise him raise him high. I keep the live beat bumping. Keep it jumping make the Lord feel something. Ain't no shame in my game God's Property. Kickin' it wit Kirk ain't no stoppin' me ( kiRk fRankLin "sTomp")

oSiek 2004
Wasn't for him I wouldn't be alive
For tellin' lies
Since then baptized look in my eyes
Can you see the pain?
Why does the sun shine when it rains?
Hard times got me feelin'
Daddy never did a thang
I'm GOD's chosen
He put me in a rolls
And keeps my wrist frozen
Never brown nosin'
Like an explosin'
I cause a comotion
Spit the truth like a profit
I talk to the ocean
People fear what they cant understand
I thank GOD that I can
I stay focused keepin' Him in my plan
Never losin' my fate
Haters gonna try to degrate
Gotta be in my state of mind to relate
Gotta know this is the end and ain't no time to waist
Time to face your fate
And I pray you don't end up in the lake
Do whatever it takes
So many mistakes we make
But we gone all get it right
Once we down by the river side
Goin' Down(We goin down to da river, take it to da river)
Goin' down baby(Yo Yo down to da river take it to da river)
Goin' down
Goin' down baby(We goin' down to da river)
I'm gonna lay down
All of my glocks and automatics
I'm charismatic like crack addicts
Ya wreak havoc
Like road ragers in bare traffic
It gets drastic
But He's fantastic and attractin'
Never packin'
Now I'm fastin'
(Hazard)With passion
How can I get this life everlastin'?
Sick of blastin'and dashin'
Flashin' like Charles Manson
He payed the ransom
Now I'm glory holla dancin'
I'm flippin' it rippin' it
Comin' wit lyrical styles ya'll never heard
Steady reachin' partnas
That be on them corners flippin' birds
Forget the english spit rhymes para mi jente
Buster and giovanni bringing beats like tito fuente
Salsa merengue,
Ripos caliente,
Asucar sabroso par ti y para mi
Headin' down to the river side
So I can let the old man die
When I come out of the water
A new man feel it come alive
Revived with the Holy Ghost and tears in my eyes
We so hot
We don't stop
We take it to the river ya know we goin' down, down
Cause we so hot
I'm sick of packin' all these 9's
Slangin' dimes and smokin' on da marijuana
Chillin' wit pretty momma's
From Havanah in the Bahamahs
Plus demons tryna see me hot like I'm in da sauna
And I'm just tryna get ya loose kinda like Madonna
Call up everybody I know
Tell 'em it's time to go
Me and T-Bone in the 6-4 sittin real low
Bout to roll to da riverside
Put that liquor to da side ain't no need for gettin high
Stay alive, pay your tithes
Cause El shadi
Got me trippin' ya'll
Now I been laying down all of my burdens because I don't wanna be left and burnin'
Flirtin' with death and He
Promise my last breath
Dressed in prison blues
Holy Spirit got me under arrest
I used to be a thug
Sold drugs might assault ya
Stepped up in da church
Got converted at the altar
And I don't fault ya
Fell back and he caught ya
Out tryna floss better live what he tought ya
We so hot
We don't stop
We take it to the river ya know we goin' down, down
Cause we so hot
i bElieve i cAn fLy
and life was nothing but an awful song
But now I know the meaning of true Love
I'm leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
If I can see it
then I can do it
If I just believe it
there's nothing to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me runnin' through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
See, I was on the verge of breaking down
Sometimes silence can seem so loud
There are miracles in life I must achieve
But first I know it starts inside of me
Oh, if I can see it (whoo!)
then I can be it
If I just believe it
there's nothin' to it
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
I see me runnin' through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly....whoo!
Oh, I believe I can fly
Hey, 'cuz I believe in You
If I can see it
then I can do it
If I just believe it
there's nothin' to it.
I believe I can fly....whoo!
I believe I can touch the sky
I think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away
I believe I can soar
See me runnin' through that open door
I believe I can fly (I can fly!)
I believe I can fly (I can fly!)
I believe I can fly
If I just spread my wings (I can fly!)
I can fly (I can fly!)
I can fly (I can fly!)
I can fly (I can fly!)
Hey, if I just spread my wings
I can fly .....(I can fly!) whoo!!
(I can fly!)
11 February 2005
mY hoNey ;)
T-jay feat. Miamor "The love I found in u"
Chorus: Baby close your eyes and be with me
Imagine that I?m. giving you a kiss
I hold you in my arms just like this
Baby when you?re gone, miss you, I miss you
1. Do you remember girl
I was the one who gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember girl
I was the one who said put your lips like this
Baby, that?s truth, all these words are for you
And I must say that it?s the love I found in you
You are the air I need to breathe
The river of life inside of me
You are the half that made me whole, my girl
And you are strong when I am weak
You are the words when I can't speak
Now I must say that?s the love I found in you
2. We met each other at the school
I didn?t know you were so cool
I thought I had no chance to be with you
But you opened later up your heart
For me it was just like fresh start
To be with you forever and ever
You are my shelter from the storm
You are the road that leads me home
Baby with you here face-to-face
Oh, I know I found my place
Once in every life
You find the one who's right
And when you say forever, it's true
That's the love I found in you
3. Baby, it?s music which made us together as one
Classical music, you?re singing to me from above
Baby, that?s truth, all these words are for you
And I must say that it?s the love I found in you
Your presence makes my heart want you...
My body yearns for your touch too
And I can?t wait to see your smiling face
The energy that runs through me
Makes me long for you baby