About Me

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i'm a simple man living far away from my home - tryna establish what my life is about...dEscriBin' mYseLf I woUldN't bE mOdeSt ;) iT's uP 2 u gUys 2 mAke a viSioN oF mE ;) cOme aNd tAke a pEEk iNto mY wOrLd.

05 March 2005


What is a N.E.R.D? N.E.R.D stands for No One Ever Really Dies. The Neptunes are who I am and N.E.R.D is what I do. It's my life. N.E.R.D is just a basic belief, man. People's energies are made of their souls. When you die, that energy may disperse but it isn't destroyed. Energy cannot be destroyed. It can manifest in a different way but even then it's like their souls are going somewhere. If it's going to heaven or hell or even if it's going into a fog or somewhere in the atmosphere to lurk unbeknownst to itself, it's going somewhere.

Video code provided by Music Video Codes

1 comment:

tJAy said...

ciekawa filozofia życia, don't u think?? szczególnie podoba mi sie ta część o energii którą produkują dusze, a myślałem że pharell williams to tylko kolejny modny chwyt reklamowy, a tu sie okazuje że on nawet myśli, \stereotyp obalony\