About Me

- tJAy
- i'm a simple man living far away from my home - tryna establish what my life is about...dEscriBin' mYseLf I woUldN't bE mOdeSt ;) iT's uP 2 u gUys 2 mAke a viSioN oF mE ;) cOme aNd tAke a pEEk iNto mY wOrLd.
08 October 2005
wE'rE jUst oRdinArY pEoplE

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Girl im in love with you
This ain't the honeymoon
Past the infatuation phase
Right in the thick of love
At times we get sick of love
It seems like we argue everyday
I know i misbehaved
And you made your mistakes
And we both still got room left to grow
And though love sometimes hurts
I still put you first
And we'll make this thing work
But I think we should take it slow
We're just ordinary people
We don't know which way to go
Cuz we're ordinary people
Maybe we should take it slow
This ain't a movie no
No fairy tale conclusion ya'll
It gets more confusing everyday
Sometimes it's heaven sent
Then we head back to hell again
We kiss then we make up on the way
I hang up you call
We rise and we fall
And we feel like just walking away
As our love advances
We take second chances
Though it's not a fantasy
I Still want you to stay
Take it slow
Maybe we'll live and learn
Maybe we'll crash and burn
Maybe you'll stay, maybe you'll leave,
maybe you'll return
Maybe another fight
Maybe we won't survive
But maybe we'll grow
We never know baby youuuu and I
no właśnie... jesteśmy TYLKO ludźmi. zwykłymi ludźmi. i to właśnie ostatnio mnie przeraża.
będzie dobrze. wiem, że musi być dobrze. ale to nie zmienia faktu, że się boję i czuję się fatalnie. złowrogi świat...
- drzwi przeszłości-
na nieuniknione poranienia z przeszłosci
jest wybaczenie sobie minionych błędów,
by węcej do nich nie wracać.
Tylko ten,kto nie krzywdzi siebie,
potrafi przebaczyć tym,którzy go kiedyś skrzywdzili,
i bronić sie przed tymi,
którzy próbują go skrzywdzić.
Najwspanialsze jest
pojednanie z sobą i z drugim człowiekiem.
ps.wszystkich za wszystko przepraszam.:*)lu:*)
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