About Me

My photo
i'm a simple man living far away from my home - tryna establish what my life is about...dEscriBin' mYseLf I woUldN't bE mOdeSt ;) iT's uP 2 u gUys 2 mAke a viSioN oF mE ;) cOme aNd tAke a pEEk iNto mY wOrLd.

06 March 2005

hAppy dAy ;)

Let me tell 'about my best friend
Let me tell you all.
My Music
(set me free, filled me)
My Music
(moved my brain, fulfilled me)
We met each other long time ago,
When I was about'a 3 years old, yeah.
That time we struck up a blood decree,
that none of us is gonna leave the other.
She told me to listen to my heart,
so I could find my source, my pride, yeah.
She never betrayed me, or lied to me.
She's the one I could believe...
My Music
(set me free, filled me)
My Music
(moved my brain, fulfilled me) .
Boy! Now it came to me (shame on me)
I was blind, but now I see
This music is so much bigger than me,
growing still through the centuries
Didn't know how to do my thang,
I didn't know how to handle this game.
Ej! Now's my turn, I'm a doin this shit
Gimme your hand and follow me
And this is how the story goes :
I've been around the world, been around the coasts.
If I'm wrong in rhymes, U can stop me now,
But tell me how could I stop makin' chicks go WOW!
I'm about to brake'em off somethin' propa.
As U see nobody can stop us.
Takin our time, I'm a doin' this shit.
Gimme your hand and follow me .
My Music
(set me free, filled me)
My Music
(moved my brain, fulfilled me)
( siStarS "mY mUsic" )


tJAy said...

znalazłem w tym songu hołd oddany muzyce...mojej najlepsiejszej kumpeli...moja muza mnie uwalnia, wypełnia mnie natchnieniem, kiedy jej słucham, wzrasta mi ciśnienie, wtedy słucham bicia swego serca i już wiem co dalej robić, dokąd zmierzać...yeah !!! ten kawałek należy czcić...that's a holy truth ;)

Anonymous said...

jestem bardzo szczęśliwa Tomuś,kiedy widzę ile radosci daje Tobie muzyka i spiewanie z juwe:)szczególnie jestem b.dumna jak spiewasz solo....:)tylko jak Ty to robisz,że sie wogoole nie denerwujesz?:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Tom. I noticed your comment on my post and I can definitely give you the code so you can add links to your sidebar. Unfortunately, I can't post HTML in the comments box, so if you email me at drowninginjello[AT]gmail[DOT]com
I will email you back with the code.

Anonymous said...